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OzPetShop - Pet Products, Supplies and Accessories



How difficult it is to decide on a gift for a friend or relative. Birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas - a look around any of the shopping centres reveals hundreds of people with panic stricken faces as they search for inspiration and time runs out!

The panic often results in yet another CD, a tie, a scarf.

Whatever the species, check out the jigsaw puzzles for appropriate designs. Give a voucher for a photo to be taken of the favourite pet, or commission a painting.

If they don't own a pet - why not give a fish tank or a bird feeder to hang in the garden. Still stuck in the tie department? Well just check out the range of men's ties with birds, cats, dogs on the design!

Does the recipient of the gift own a pet? If so why not buy a gift relating to the pet?

What ever species the pet is, there is bound to be a book about it, ranging from basic
information to glorious coffee table editions.

Is the pet a dog? How about a subscription to a dog magazine, a membership to a breed
club, a membership to an obedience training club. A new leash and collar, a seat belt for
Fido to travel safely in the car, a dog bed, a lamb skin rug, a smart doggy coat, a car sticker featuring the breed. Porcelain coffee mugs with the breed or how about a figurine - ranging from a few dollars up to Royal Doulton? Don't forget the card - there are some lovely cards depicting dogs..


Is the person owned by a cat? Let your imagine run riot - cat toys, cat gymnasiums, cat sleeping basket, pet electric blanket, a planter of catnip. Look around the jewellery counter - cats feature in everything from brooches to earrings, trays, mugs, umbrellas, doorstops - do you know there are even shops which sell nothing but "cat merchandise"

Bird owners needn't feel neglected - bird toys, seed bells, cages, cage covers, tapes and CD's to teach the bird to talk, stained glass birds to hang in the kitchen window, a hand vacuum cleaner for cleaning up the spilt seed

Further Information
  Products - Online Pet Gift Shop
  Products - Birds - Feathered Phonics CD1
  Products - Jigsaw Puzzle World of Cats

Petcare Information and Advisory Service Australia

Last Update: 19/04/07 21:42 Views: 3333

OzPetShop - Pet Products, Supplies and Accessories